Tuesday 28 February 2012

A testing week

A good week this week.  It was always going to be a challenge as coach Murphy had set me a tough programme, which just happened to coincide with a very busy work schedule.  However, I managed to do everything, bar one 70 minute run session.  The downside was that I had to load most of the training to the back end of the week, so I finished feeling quite fatigued.  Going through my training records has highlighted a pattern of missing one of my sessions the day after a rest day, and this is something that I am going to have to address.  (Should be easy to solve now that the days are getting longer).  Highlight of this week was undoubtedly Ian's bike/run session at Preston Sports Arena.  Two hours of cycling, including a 1 hour trial, riding 'through and off' in gangs of 8.  Superb interval training, although riding at a slightly faster speed than normal made the run section (pyramids going from 200M to 1200M in 200M increments) rather painful!

Totals for the week:  11km swim, 119Km Bike, 48Km run.  A key milestone too - since the start of Feb I have exceeded the total swim distance required for the Deca (Just need to get fit enough to do it all in 24 hours now!)  Bring it!

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