Monday 26 September 2011

Week 2 - setbacks and learning

A bit of a slow week this week.  Much of this was due to workload, which was not only heavier than usual but took me to several locations around the UK.  However, if I'd managed to get up early instead of lounging around in bed, I would have got a lot more training done!   Only managed around 8 hours training this week, with virtually no cycling, which wasn't good.

Finished the week with my first competitive open water swim this year, taking part in the 1 mile event at The Great Scottish Swim, Strathclyde Park.  Very cold for the first ten minutes, but I took a nice steady pace and got round the course without too much trouble, albeit in a slow time. 

As a source of inspiration, check out Elizabeth Hawker - a virtually unknown GB athlete who is an awesome endurance racer:

I saw her compete in her winning run on the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc this year and 4 weeks later she has just beaten all-comers in a gruelling 24 hour race.  There's much I could learn from her in keeping going despite weather, pain and suffering! 

On the plus side, weight continues to drop.

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