Monday 23 January 2012

Structured training is the way forward!

Another good week, thanks to coach, Ian Murphy.  In psychology, one way you can analyse people is whether they are internally or externally referenced.  Internally referenced people judge things by their own standards (They 'just know').  Externally referenced people look to others to help them make decisions (Adverts that use celebrities to endorse a product are aimed at people who have an external reference).  For the most part I'm fairly internally referenced (good for endurance events) but you do need some external reference if you are actually racing, because you need to pay attention to what others are doing.  Another good place for external reference is knowing that you will have to report to your coach if you have missed a session!  So not only does Ian provide a great training plan, but just the thought of having to explain any misdemeanours is motivation in itself.  Best session of the week?  Cycling from Keswick to Milnthorpe through the Lake District (following a bit of the Helvellyn Triathlon route, but thankfully not the Struggle!)

Total hours training 16,  swim 10.9K, Bike 153K, run 37.8K.

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