Wednesday, 4 July 2012

It's all over

Well, day 6 and I finally gave in.  I can't point to one thing, but this is how it went.  I arrived at the cycle track ready for a full day and 150 mile target to hit, only to find that contrary to what I was told the day before, I would not be allowed to use the track until 4pm.  I could physically feel the hope drain out of me as I heard this news.  Anyway, not to be deterred, I tried to find a new route near the track, so that I could still get back to my car where I was storing all my food and spare clothes etc.  I ended up going round a local park, but after 3 hours in the pouring rain, on return to my car for a break, I just gave in.  Physically, apart from a sore backside and a bit of pain in my left Achilles tendon I felt OK; it was the mental side that gave way.  A broken bike, more rain, dodging dog walkers for another 5 hours just overwhelmed me and I decided enough was enough.  Although I'm disappointed, I'm not devastated and I feel I gave it a decent shot.  I've learned a lot and realise the mistakes I made in preparing for the event.  I'm still pleased with doing the swim - something that I thought was impossible for me before I started training for the Deca.  I will post up a bit more on later, but for now I just want to say thank you to everyone who came out to support me, who believed in me and wanted me to succeed.  I cannot tell you how moved I was to see you all, especially those who stayed throughout the night while I was swimming.

Finally for now - if you have sponsored me, but now no longer wish to do so, please contact me and I can arrange how to refund you your money.  If you are still happy to make your donation - thank you - and you will be giving to a good cause.

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