Friday, 29 June 2012

Day 3 update

A hard day today, with much wind and rain for the early part.  The rain, I could do without; it's uncomfortable, but that's all.  The wind on the other hand, sucks at your soul, robbing you of any determination to keep going.  At times I was doing 8 miles an hour (some of my fellow Tri Preston team mates might say that that is not too far off my usual average speed!).  This event really is a case of mind over body.  Any little setback seems to nag away, eating at your resolve and with every pedal stroke the desire to abandon seems to grow.  I did 60 miles at Elswick, then travelled over to Buckshaw, hopefully to get a bit more shelter from the wind.  This circuit is much shorter (2 miles instead of 7.6) so even though it was still windy it wasn't as long and, there were sheltered parts too.  I've started to get to know the Elswick circuit intimately.  I now know every pothole, rut and ripple, and have learned the best line round the course.  It gets really annoying when traffic prevents me from taking my preferred line, and my backside gets another bruising as I batter my way across the latest pothole.  I've also started to name parts of the course - Dad's Corner (just because I seem to think of my father every time I get to that point!), Slowman's Hill (not really a hill at all but seems like Everest when you have done it for the 10th time that day), Rubbish bag straight and finally Cow Crossing Farm (last two fairly self-explanatory!).  I did wonder why I was thinking of my Dad.  I'm not one to believe in fate, but I got in tonight to hear that the last of his four sisters had died.  He had left a message to tell me not to worry and to carry on with my challenge.  When I'm exhausted I find it hard to control my emotions and this news was hard to take.  I love my Dad, and my thoughts are with him at this time.

Early start tomorrow to try and make up some miles.  Currently on 218 miles, so a fair way to go.  Keep following me on Twitter (@enthiostraining #Doingthedeca) for updates, or you can also find me on Facebook.  Cheers all, and thanks for your support!

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