Friday, 13 April 2012

Big thanks

Since going public with my quest to raise £20k for Right to Play, money and sponsors have already started to commit to the big adventure.  Thanks to all the following:

Mike Barber and colleagues at NRL
Paul Concannon at Elysian Training
Carolyn Blunt at Real Results Training
Liz Couchman at Alex Merlin
Anthony Clarke at Design Force

Thanks for your support and your generosity.  It keeps me motivated to train!

If you would like to make a donation you can do so at

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Going Public!!

OK, there are 12 weeks to go before the big event.  I start at 9pm on 26th June 2012.  

As I've said elsewhere, I'm doing this event to raise £20000 for Right to Play.  Check out what they do on their website,  

If you would like to make a donation, you can do so on my Just Giving Page

If I can get 1000 people to sponsor me 1p per kilometre, I will exceed my target by £2600, so tell your friends and let's get this crazy idea going viral!  

Thanks everyone for your support. I'll be posting up my progress, so keep checking in on my blog.


Monday, 2 April 2012

'Could try harder'

Did you ever get that kind of remark on your school report?  (Usually a plea from the teacher to recognise your potential yet kick you up the backside too).  It just about sums up my last month's training.  It's been an enjoyable month, with some testing sessions and an opportunity to do some altitude training in the Alps,  but as for adhering to Ian's plan, not very productive.  On the plus side, I got in a couple of 'Ton' bike rides in the last week, but on the downside only a tiny amount of swimming. (Less than I have been doing in a week, in other months).  There have been a variety of reasons for this, most notably an injury, but ultimately they would be excuses.  There is a fine line between paying attention to your body and not overtraining, and listening to it so much that you fear every niggle, itch and pain.  I've certainly been reluctant to get back into the pool since my 10K attempt, and I plan to put this right in April.  April is a real marker post for me as it signals the start of the 12 week run in to the start of the Deca.  

Thanks to Ian Murphy, my endurance seems to be improving, and I'm still enjoying the adventure but my mind always returns to the enormity of what I have taken on.  I finished my last 100 mile ride on Saturday and felt quite pleased with my efforts but then had to immediately remind myself that I have to do nearly twice this distance for 6 days in a row.  It's easy to get overwhelmed, and this is where psychology can play apart - keep your eyes on the prize, yet focus on the present.  

So, onwards and upwards.  Training volumes increase for April, mostly on the bike and run.  

March stats are as follows Swim 10.3 Km, Bike, 538 Km, Run 125 Km, XC Ski, 44 Km, total of 64 hours training.